Biblioteca Municipală "Radu Rosetti" Onești

Desen anatomic

Subiect Tematic: Desen anatomic
Lucrări: 24 lucrari in 14 publicatii in 2 limbi
Drawing the Living Figure de: Sheppard, Joseph (Text tipărit)
Drawing : The Head and Figure de: Hamm, Jack (Text tipărit)
Drawing : The Head and Figure de: Hamm, Jack (Text tipărit)
Anatomy : A Complete Guide for Artists de: Sheppard, Joseph (Text tipărit)
Drawing the Head and Hands de: Loomis, Andrew (Text tipărit)
Anatomy for the Artist de: Simblet, Sarah (Text tipărit)
Figure Drawing : Design and Invention de: Hampton, Michael (Text tipărit)
Drawing Dynamic Hands de: Hogarth, Burne (Text tipărit)
The Human Figure de: Vanderpoel, John H. (Text tipărit)
Human Anatomy for the Artists : The Elements of Form de: Goldfinger, Eliot (Text tipărit)
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